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Calendar of Special Dog Days

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Of course you don’t need a reason to show your furry friend some love, but we will give you 150 reasons anyway!

Dog Holidays of January

Month-Long Holidays

Walk Your Pet Month

National Train Your Dog Month

One-Day Holidays

Jan 2: National Pet Travel Safety Day

Jan 14: National Dress Up Your Pet Day

Jan 24: Change a Pet’s Life Day

Jan 29: Seeing Eye Guide Dog Anniversary

Dog Holidays of February

Month-Long Holidays

Pet Dental Health Month

Responsible Pet Owners Month

Unchain a Dog Month

Dog Training Education Month

Spay / Neuter Awareness Month (AKA Beat the Heat Month)

Week-Long Holidays

Feb 7-14: Have a Heart for Chained Dogs Week

Feb 10-11: Westminster Kennel Club Annual Dog Show (Televized dog event, held at New York)

Feb 23-29: National Justice for Animals Week

One-Day Holidays

Feb 3: Doggie Date Night

Feb 3: National Golden Retriever Day

Feb 14: Pet Theft Awareness Day

Feb 20: Love Your Pet Day

Feb 22: Walking the Dog Day

Feb 23: International Dog Biscuit Appreciation Day

Feb 23: National Dog Biscuit Day

Feb 25: World Spay Day *

*Celebrated annually on the fourth tuesday in February, created to combat the crisis of pet overpopulation This day provides an opportunity for shelter and rescue organizations to highlight their spay/neuter programs to gain community support

Dog Holidays of March

Month-Long Holidays

Poison Prevention Awareness Month

Week-Long Holidays

March 2-9: Professional Pet Sitters Week

March 5-8: Crufts (World’s largest dog show, held at Birmingham, England)

March 15-21: National Poison Prevention Week

One-Day Holidays

March 3: If Pets Had Thumbs Day

March 13: K-9 Veterans Day

March 23: National Puppy Day

March 30: Take a Walk in the Park Day

Dog Holidays of April

Month-Long Holidays

National Pet First Aid Awareness Month

Active Dog Month

Prevent Lyme Disease in Dogs Month

Canine Fitness Month

Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Month (ASCPA)

National Pet Month (UK)

Week-Long Holidays

April 1-7: International Pooper Scooper Week

April 5-11: Animal Care and Control Appreciation Week

April 5-11: National Dog Bite Prevention Week

April 12-18: Animal Cruelty/Human Violence Awareness Week

April 12-18: National Pet ID Week

One-Day Holidays

April 4: Every Day is Tag Day

April 8: National Dog Fighting Awareness Day

April 10: National Hug Your Dog Day

April 11: National Pet Day

April 11: Dog Therapy Appreciation Day

April 21: Bulldogs are Beautiful Day

April 23: National Lost Dog Awareness Day

April 25: World Veterinary Day

April 26: National Kids and Pets Day

April 26: National Pet Parents Day

April 29, 2020: International Guide Dog Day

April 30: Adopt a Shelter Pet Day

April 30: National Therapy Animal Day

April 30: National Tabby Day

Dog Holidays of May

Month-Long Holidays

Pet Cancer Awareness Month

Chip Your Pet Month

National Pet Month (US)

Responsible Animal Guardian Month

Lyme Disease Prevention Month

National Service Animal Eye Exam

Week-Long Holidays

May 3-9: American Humane’s Be Kind to Animals Week

May 3-9: National Pet Week

May 4-10: Puppy Mill Action

One-Day Holidays

May 1: National Purebred Dog Day

May 3: National Specially-Abled Pets Day

May 3: Mayday for Mutts

May 3: International Doodle Dog Day

May 9: National Animal Disaster Preparedness Day

May 10: National Dog Mom’s Day

May 14: International Chihuahua Appreciation Day

May 20: National Rescue Dog Day

Dog Holidays of June

Month-Long Holidays

National Pet Preparedness Month (for natural disasters)

National Microchipping Month

National Foster a Pet Month

Week-Long Holidays

June 7-13: Pet Appreciation Week

June 14-20: Animal Rights Awareness Week

June 22-26: Take Your Pet to Work Week

One-Day Holidays

June 8: Best Friends Day

June 9: World Pet Memorial Day

June 21: National Dog Party Day

June 26: Take Your Dog to Work Day

Dog Holidays of July

Month-Long Holidays

National Pet Hydration Awareness Month

National Lost Pet Prevention Month

Dog House Repair Month

Week-Long Holidays

July 27-Aug 3: National Feed a Rescue Pet Week

One-Day Holidays

July 1: ID Your Pet Day

July 15: National Pet Fire Safety Day

July 21: National Craft For Your Local Shelters Day

July 21: No Pet Store Puppies Day

July 26: National Dog Photography Day

July 31: National Mutt Day

Dog Holidays of August

Month-Long Holidays

Rawgust (Celebration of raw feeding for pets)

Week-Long Holidays

Aug 2-8: International Assistance Dog Week

Aug 2-8: Give a Dog a Bone Week Hosted

One-Day Holidays

Aug 1: DOGust Universal Birthday for Shelter Dogs (For all the shelter animals whose birthdays are unknown)

Aug 5: Work Like a Dog Day

Aug 10: Spoil Your Dog Day

Aug 15: National Check the Chip Day

Aug 16: Saint Roch’s Day (Patron Saint of Dogs )

Aug 16: International Homeless Animals’ Day

Aug 26: National Dog Day

Aug 28: Rainbow Bridge Remembrance Day (A day to remember the pet companions we’ve lost)

Aug 30: National Holistic Pet Day

Dog Holidays of September

Month-Long Holidays

Pet Sitter Education Month

Animal Pain Awareness Month

National Service Dog Month

National Pet Insurance Month

Responsible Dog Ownership Month

National Disaster Preparedness Month

Week-Long Holidays

Sept 14-21: Adopt-a-Less-Adoptable-Pet Week

Sept 20-26: National Deaf Dog Awareness Week

Sept 20-26: National Dog Week

One-Day Holidays

Sept 8: National Dog Walker Appreciation Day

Sept 13: National Pet Memorial Day

Sept 13: National Hug Your Hound Day

Sept 19: Puppy Mill Awareness Day

Sept 19: Responsible Dog Ownership Day

Sept 23: Dogs in Politics Day (also known as Checkers Day)

Sept 24: Remember Me Thursday (International social media awareness day that brings attention to pets waiting in shelters that never got a second chance)

Sept 26: World’s Largest Pet Walk

Sept 28: World Rabies Day

Dog Holidays of October

Month-Long Holidays

Adopt-a-Shelter Dog Month

Adopt-A-Dog Month

National Animal Safety and Protection Month

National Pet Wellness Month

National Pit Bull Awareness Month

Week-Long Holidays

October 1-4: National Walk Your Dog Week

October 5-11: Animal Welfare Week

Oct 11-17: National Veterinary Technician Week

One-Day Holidays

Oct 1: National Fire Pup Day

Oct 1: National Black Dog Day

Oct 4: World Animal Day

Oct 9: National Pet Obesity Awareness Day

Oct 17: National Fetch Day

Oct 28: Plush Animal Lovers Day

Dog Holidays of November

Month-Long Holidays

Adopt a Senior Pet Month

Pet Cancer Awareness Month

Pet Diabetes Month (AVMA)

National Pet Awareness Month

Week-Long Holidays

Nov 1-7: National Animal Shelter Appreciation Week

One-Day Holidays

Nov 1: National Cook for Your Pets Day

Nov 7: National Canine Lymphoma Awareness Day

Nov 17: National Take a Hike Day

Nov 26: National Dog Show (Broadcasted US Event in Thanksgiving)

Dog Holidays of December

One-Day Holidays

Dec 2: National Mutt Day

Dec 5: Celebrate Shelter Pets Day

Dec 9: International Day of Veterinary Medicine

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